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That’s life

In need of enlightenment?

By That's life

Spiritual enlightenmentWhen it comes to quotes of spiritual inspiration, can you possibly go past Gandhi?

Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever

And now for an e-plug for someone of today who inspires me with their interpretation of quotes – Gavin Aung Than of ZenPencils.  Not that he needs it – he’s living comic superstar who brings famous quotes to visual life through his amazing comic work. I had the pleasure of meeting him in person last year at the Australian Cartoonists Association yearly conference. I almost got close enough to rub shoulders.

So what’s your favourite quote?

Don’t be shy; we all need a bit of inspiration. Share.


The last straw

By That's life

The straw that broke the camel's back

Whilst drawing this cartoon I couldn’t help but think…

that this would make a fantastic real life starter pack for all the new relationships out there. I mean, you can get His and Hers towels. Everyone carries a secret His and Hers baggage full of delights to share and discover during the course of the relationship. Then why not a His and Hers set of straws? At least you’d know where you stood.

What do you think? The next must have product for couples?


Collect your thoughts

By That's life

catching thoughts literally

I can see why you would leave ‘Check emails’ behind, but ‘Ring in-laws’…That’s dangerous to leave behind!

What thoughts could you happily leave behind?


Merry christmas tree

By That's life

Christmas tree of angels

I’ll be going on holidays in 2 more days and have run out of cartoon drawing time, so I’ve recycled a Christmas one from last year.

Merry Christmas and safe holidays. See you in the new year.

Wash time

By That's life

Coloured wash

I think everyone has had a washing machine malfunction once in their lives. This cartoon was inspired after a recent wash where I placed a rusty brown towel in the wash with the family’s white socks. Surely towels are colour fast, I thought as I shoved the contents into the front loader. Personally, I don’t mind pink socks. Not sure the like was shared; so I kindly offered family members to take on the rewarding responsibility of washing. No uptake… I can only conclude that they don’t really mind pink socks after all.

Do you have a washing machine malfunction story to share?

The boss pulls the plug

By That's life, Work

Frank's boss pulls the plug

Have you ever thrown the baby out with the bath water?

I can’t recall a time I have, but I have heard of some horror stories. The one that comes immediately to mind involved a woman who placed all her precious jewellery into a garbage bag for safe keeping whilst in the middle of a big house pack up before the move. You can guess what happened next… the safe package of jewellery was turfed along with the other rubbish and sen to the tip.

Any horror stories you know of?

PS. Remember to enter our latest competition. Simply answer ‘What is your favourite piece of art or who s your favourite artist?’ (Doesn’t need to be anyone famous).

Enter now – it’s free and open to all!




Speak up…

By That's life

does sound travel through water?At last, Frank wins…

OK, before I get bombarded with emails informing me of my acoustical error, let me acknowledge that yes, I do realise that sound does travel through water. I think from a cartooning perspective, that anything goes and at least Frank has used his boss’s lack of knowledge to his advantage for once.

In fairness to the depicted scene, sound will have difficulty in reaching Frank as it is travelling through air before it reaches the water, so there is an element of reflection and absorption that occurs when the sound waves hit the liquid.

But did you realise that sound travels fastest through a solid (about 6000 m/sec) when compared with liquid (1480 m/s) and air (332 m/s)?  This is so because the molecules are packed tighter together in a solid, than a liquid or gas and allows for a more effective transmission of sound.