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Spiritual enlightenmentWhen it comes to quotes of spiritual inspiration, can you possibly go past Gandhi?

Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever

And now for an e-plug for someone of today who inspires me with their interpretation of quotes – Gavin Aung Than of ZenPencils.  Not that he needs it – he’s living comic superstar who brings famous quotes to visual life through his amazing comic work. I had the pleasure of meeting him in person last year at the Australian Cartoonists Association yearly conference. I almost got close enough to rub shoulders.

So what’s your favourite quote?

Don’t be shy; we all need a bit of inspiration. Share.



  • Carrie Rubin says:

    You may have seen my favorite quote on my website, but here it is:
    “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”―Eleanor Roosevelt (and Dr. Phil)

    People are usually too busy worrying about themselves to take notice of us!

  • Shirley Smeaton says:

    A house full of people is a house full of different points of view.

    • Marti says:

      Nice one Shirley, sounds like you might have experienced this at some point in time. Happy new year and thanks for popping by

  • “The people I’ve known with the greatest artistic integrity are usually the most professional and most considerate, while I’ve unfortunately run into a few second-rate artists who behave like s**** in the belief that this somehow automatically endows them with talent and integrity.”

    George Roy Hill
    Director (Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, The Sting, Slapshot, The World According to Garp)

  • sjvernon says:

    I do quote people and songs and books all the time, whether it be in casual conversation or in a comic or something… but I can’t say as I truly have a favorite as such. I’ve not been one for favorites in general… I mean, I don’t have a favorite color or food or anything really. I like a lot of things, and many of those things I like quite a bit! Hard for me to differentiate.

    • Marti says:

      Come on, no favourite colour or food? I love a gooey French Brie, a glass of red wine and chillax as I stare out into our green backyard. Used to like blue, then moved to power red and now I’m in the tranquility of green