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Frank's boss pulls the plug

Have you ever thrown the baby out with the bath water?

I can’t recall a time I have, but I have heard of some horror stories. The one that comes immediately to mind involved a woman who placed all her precious jewellery into a garbage bag for safe keeping whilst in the middle of a big house pack up before the move. You can guess what happened next… the safe package of jewellery was turfed along with the other rubbish and sen to the tip.

Any horror stories you know of?

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  • Carrie Rubin says:

    I threw out an old purse a few years back. It was torn and not suited to give away, so I pitched it into the trash. Only to notice a few days later that the spare key fob for my husband’s car was still in it. Oops. Those things aren’t cheap to replace. Too bad the trash had already been picked up. Lesson learned: Always check all purse pockets before discarding…

  • Seeker says:

    What the?… Hope the rest of the work went down the drain with the boss!

  • In general I don’t lose things, but I did “permanently misplace” my favourite baseball cap. I still haven’t found one that I like as much as that one.

  • sjvernon says:

    I’m sure I have lost some things during moving from one place to another… and some more stuff when my father passed away a couple of years ago when I was unable to get to everything before having to let the house go. As for “the baby”… I am pretty sure I threw a trash can away one time. I had a small wastebasket in my room as a kid, and would put plastic liners in it… one time I took the bag out to the curb just before the trash came… and when I got back into the house I could NOT find my wastebasket to put a new liner inside! I was left to conclude that it must have clung to the bag I rushed to carry outside… and since the trash had already been picked up, there was no turning back!