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The straw that broke the camel's back

Whilst drawing this cartoon I couldn’t help but think…

that this would make a fantastic real life starter pack for all the new relationships out there. I mean, you can get His and Hers towels. Everyone carries a secret His and Hers baggage full of delights to share and discover during the course of the relationship. Then why not a His and Hers set of straws? At least you’d know where you stood.

What do you think? The next must have product for couples?



  • Carrie Rubin says:

    Ha, luckily neither my husband nor I have reached our last straw. I think we still have plenty left. 😉

  • sjvernon says:

    I don’t ever seem to reach the last straw… just when I think I’m going to break, somehow I keep going and manage to keep juggling all the balls and spinning all the plates… until such point as I just tire of the whole thing and let it all come crashing down around me. But, at that point, it wasn’t a “last” straw that really pushed me over the edge, because when I’m honest about it, I crossed that line a long time earlier and just ignored it somehow. I’m not sure how I manage to do that so consistently, but when I do fail, I’m pretty spectacular at it!

    • Marti says:

      Go hard, go big…that’s a saying isn’t it. Sounds like it has left a memory or possible scar… you won’t do that one again