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50 shades of greyWell, it’s been a long time coming this cartoon…

I started earlier this year, thinking it would be a fun exercise to draw as many different aspects to diversity through the cartooning of different faces. Well, let me tell you, fun it was, but easy – not. You see, my imagination started to run dry after only four faces. So, I had to seek inspiration external to my own little bubble and hunt for ideas elsewhere. And where else is a better place to start, than right here at home in Melbourne, during my daily train travel to work.

Those of you who live in Melbourne, would know that we are proudly rich in our strong ethnic background. Along with this comes the joys of a diverse culture which is expressed through everyday life here, especially in the choice of food venues…But I digress…

Pretty much, every face you see here (except for the original four, and perhaps just one more – can you spot it?) travelled along side me in the train to work. Fortunately for me, the majority of people these days are so absorbed in their technology that they were blissfully unaware of the cunning exercise being undertaken.

What do you love about the diversity in your home?


  • Toronto is also a very diverse city. I can name a number of things that are great about that, but since it is dinner time as I write, I’m going to mention the wide range of restaurants and food available at supermarkets. By the way, your comic could be a poster put up at a workplace.

    • Marti says:

      Ah yes, a wide variety of supermarkets is great. We’ve just had a Japanese and Korean supermarket open up in the city. It’s absolutely fantastic! Everything is written in foreign language, apart from the price tag, a discrete title for the product and the ingredients (a sticker on the back of each item). I take my daughter there and we buy based on the looks of a product and then experiment when we get home…PS. Like the idea of the poster. I think I’m starting to push the boundary of tolerance with my work 🙂