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The first sign of madness

By That's life


Ever talked to yourself in the mirror?

Well I do…and perhaps I might have hesitated from sharing this with your lovely self, but now I feel confident to shout it out loud.  You see, I’ve done a bit of research into the topic (Google, that is) and low and behold there have been numerous studies into this fine area. Studies conclude that

People Who Talk To Themselves Aren’t Crazy, They’re Actually Geniuses

So, there you have it! But as for the second sign of madness, well, the jury is still out. Now, that we are all a little bit wiser, you can tell me…

Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror?


Cold season

By Animals

Cold and frog in throat

I love colourful phrases as they can be so visual in nature. The expression has only been around since the late 1800’s. It was made common place when an 1894 throat lozenges advertising campaign made the claim that “The Taylor Bros. say that ‘Frog in the Throat’ will cure hoarseness. 10 cents and box.”

Lozenge advertisement

What’s your favourite expression or phrase?

The elefont

By Animals


Every now and then I check out Google after I’ve drawn a cartoon..

just to see what other people have done on the same topic. (It can sometimes end in tears, when I discover my really cool funny cartoon is not the first). However, I entered this search knowing it wasn’t that unique, but rather surprisingly, elefont was quite niche with not many results (15k). This meant that I stumbled upon loosely related topics and I think you’ll agree in this instance, even though unrelated, it’s beautiful.

Meet Bubbles the elephant (Bubbles has a Facebook page) and Bella the labrador; both rescue animals who now live happily together on the Rescue Species Fund Reserve. The photos are amazing and taken by photography Barry Bland, who specialises in animal photography.



So what do you think?

The boss pulls the plug

By That's life, Work

Frank's boss pulls the plug

Have you ever thrown the baby out with the bath water?

I can’t recall a time I have, but I have heard of some horror stories. The one that comes immediately to mind involved a woman who placed all her precious jewellery into a garbage bag for safe keeping whilst in the middle of a big house pack up before the move. You can guess what happened next… the safe package of jewellery was turfed along with the other rubbish and sen to the tip.

Any horror stories you know of?

PS. Remember to enter our latest competition. Simply answer ‘What is your favourite piece of art or who s your favourite artist?’ (Doesn’t need to be anyone famous).

Enter now – it’s free and open to all!




In space, no one can hear you scream

By Space and Aliens

why can't you hear in space

The tagline for the movie Alien was ‘In space, no one can hear you scream’.

Well, I guess I couldn’t help myself and played with the tagline for my own still movie, called a cartoon.

But seriously, why can’t you hear in outer space? You might recall a recent Frank cartoon, which explored the concept of hearing under water. Well, the key to hearing is to understand that sound requires a ‘medium’ for the vibrations to travel through. In outer space, there isn’t much – no air, no gas… well, there might be the odd gas cloud or two, but the gases within the cloud are spread so far apart that you would need a super sensitive microphone to hear it.

So what’s your favourite tagline or quote from a movie?

Do you have SMART KPIs?

By Work

Poor work KPIs

Our work has just finished setting KPIs for the year, so I’ll put Frank out of his misery and move on to the next work challenge.

What would you like to see Frank tackle next?