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what comes first the caption or the cartoon

Like the chicken versus the egg quandary of who came first, the same can be asked of the single panel cartoon – does the caption or the cartoon come first?  Well, at least we can provide an answer to this one – in sorts.  The caption comes first (for me), but for others, it’s the drawing that comes first.  I recently read this post from Bob Mankoff, chief cartoon editor of the New Yorker, discussing this very topic called First things First (unless they’re second).


  • eremophila says:

    Very interesting article, thank you. And for the insight into your own process. It got me thinking about my writing combined with the photography……I think I have a leg in each camp!

    • Marti says:

      Glad you liked it. I must admit, I hadn’t given it much thought myself, but I was really surprised that people would just start with a blank canvas and see what evolves from there (too mysterious an approach for me. I have ways to generate the pun through process – must be that geeky process driven engineer in me 🙂 )