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Frank and thinking box1

Thinking outside the box, made me wonder what other ‘outside the box’ inventions were out there. Google patents didn’t let me down and thought this box invention hit the mark.


us22185I initially thought this delightful 1879 Fire escape patent US221885 involved a box, but alas I was wrong – it was  parachute. In the words of designer, Benjamin Oppenheimer,

‘The accompanying drawing represents a side view of a person with my improved fireescape, shown as applied for-use. This invention relates to an improved fireescape or safety device, by which a person may safely jump out of the window of a burning building from any height, and land, withont injury and without the least damage, on the ground; audit consists of a parachute attached, in suitable manner, to the upper part of the body, in combination with overshoes having elastic bottom pads of suitable thickness to take up the concussion with the ground.’

So, maybe the corporate box isn’t such a bad invention after all.

Which one would you give a go?



  • To your question: If neither is an option, that would be my selection. If forced to choose, the box is probably safer than that “invention”. Nice cartoon and nice patent find. 🙂

    • Marti says:

      Good one – make up your own option. I think, armed with some added ventilation holes at the top of the box, it could be quite relaxing in there. Maybe I should test it out with the kids and see what it does to my nerves 🙂