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  • I think you’ve got a great idea for a game. You could also call it Corporate Snakes and Ladders.

    • Marti says:

      Ah, we think alike GD. I was thinking of a freebie snakes and corporate ladder game – just haven’t had time to do it yet – too busy at work!

  • Darren B says:

    You could always do a Corporate Snakes and Ladders calendar and put a date in each square.Going through the year can be like a big game of snakes and ladders in many ways.
    On the last square of the year you could have a big snake that takes you back to Jan 1st.-)

    • Marti says:

      Yes, another visitor to my site suggested something similar. I like your take on it and I’ve put it on my list of things to do. Just preparing for a local exhibition of my work in a cafe in a couple of weeks time, so been really busy preparing for that.


  • Darren B says:

    Oddly enough,I’m reading Graham Hancock’s book “Supernatural” ,where he talks about his ayahuasca drinking experiences in the Amazon and he says that snakes,ladders,nets and lattice imagery are the most common images you see as the experience comes on.