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That’s life

Remember Eleanor Rigby?

By That's life

Eleanor rigby

Eleanor Rigby is probably my favourite Beatles song. I remember listening to the quirky words as a child and picturing the whole story unfold in my imagination.

What’s your favourite Beatles song?

Fifty shades

By That's life, Word play

50 shades of blue

Every now and then I dare to check Google to see if my cartoon is already out there. It’s a cartoonist’s worst nightmare (or close to) to publish a cartoon that someone else has already done – similar in notion to inadvertant copying. If you find out afterwards, it’s a bit like going through the seven stages of grief, starting with disbelief and shock (I mean, how could someone else possibly come up with my great, unique idea before I even had a chance to put pen to paper?). Luckily, this time I was relieved to find nothing similar. I found an article titled ‘Fifty shades of blue’, where my heart momentarily skipped a beat. However, it was short lived – It was a blue hair colour dye trend article.

Ever had your great idea trumped by someone else?

PS. If you find a cartoon along a similar vein, feel free to not contacting me with the information 🙂

Who’s your favourite superstar?

By That's life

Celebrity superstar

Sorry for being corny, but it just had to be done, didn’t it?

You may recall some of my previous Tomato Soup cartoons (soup-ersauros, soup-ernova, soup-ernatural, soup-erman, soup-erficial). I think I have exhausted all possible ‘soup’ word gags… but over to you…

Any other ‘soup’ word gags? Let me know and I’ll give it a bash

The first sign of madness

By That's life


Ever talked to yourself in the mirror?

Well I do…and perhaps I might have hesitated from sharing this with your lovely self, but now I feel confident to shout it out loud.  You see, I’ve done a bit of research into the topic (Google, that is) and low and behold there have been numerous studies into this fine area. Studies conclude that

People Who Talk To Themselves Aren’t Crazy, They’re Actually Geniuses

So, there you have it! But as for the second sign of madness, well, the jury is still out. Now, that we are all a little bit wiser, you can tell me…

Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror?


Having a few issues?

By Animals, That's life

need to see the doctor

I had such a great response from my last word play cartoon, that I’ve packaged up some of your favourite expressions into the one cartoon. Good thing, they were all animal based.

Can you think of any more ailments I could add?



Deep in thought

By That's life

i dry therefore I am thinker style

I always thought that Rodin was inspired by Descartes,

the French philosopher famous for the quote ‘I think, therefore I am’. However, Google suggested I was wrong. Still, it’s undeniably a good plug for my latest ‘Art of Series’ work starring Rodin’s Thinker.

What’s your favourite piece of art or artist?