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That’s life

What comes first?

By That's life

what comes first the caption or the cartoon

Like the chicken versus the egg quandary of who came first, the same can be asked of the single panel cartoon – does the caption or the cartoon come first?  Well, at least we can provide an answer to this one – in sorts.  The caption comes first (for me), but for others, it’s the drawing that comes first.  I recently read this post from Bob Mankoff, chief cartoon editor of the New Yorker, discussing this very topic called First things First (unless they’re second).

Have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet?

By That's life

No return policy at the 15 minutes of fame shopHaven’t had my 15 minutes of fame – yet – but quite like the idea of being able to make a suitable purchase in advance of the event.  Also, if I could buy it in batches of say 2 minute lots, or take the 1 minute lucky dip, I could spread the joy of it over my lifetime.

Go on, your turn now to blow your trumpet. What’s your 15 minutes (or 1 minute portions) of fame?

Pink cartoon and the white elephant

By That's life

Breast cancer awareness 2012

October is breast cancer awareness month and in support of this worthy cause I’ve gone pink here at Just Outside the Box.

Did you know that:

  • 1 in 9 women in Australia will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their life
  • Every day 30 women in Australia discover they have breast cancer
  • Over half of the detections are made by wither the women themselves or their doctor
  • Early detection helps save lives – the earlier the treatment, the more likely it is to succeed
  • Breast screening is recommended every 2 years for women aged 50 – 69

So, this month, when you pass someone selling pink ribbons in support of breast cancer research, dig deep and support this worthy cause.

Any other cartoonists interested in going pink with me this month?

I got the idea when I discovered the website.  In 2010, King Features cartoonists showed their support for breast cancer awareness by posting a pink cartoon on 10 October.  I thought it was such a great idea, that it should be done again.  If you draw cartoons and want to participate see the attached pink ribbon below for you to download and place on your pink cartoon.  Hey, and let me know, so I can visit your website.