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think outside the box

Be innovative

By That's life, Work

Workplace innovation

Google’s definition for innovate is

…make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods, ideas, or products

Well, you could argue the cartoon meets the definition, but perhaps not quite the intent. However, it is probably this very loose definition that has allowed this word to become the latest buzz word in the workplace. How many company vision statements, business strategy plans and team meetings splash this word about with gay abandon these days, in the hope of reaping the benefits that successful innovation can bring to a business?

So tell me this, if innovation is our workplace salvation, then why do so many companies fail when it comes to the actual undertaking of innovation?  In Diana Kander’s TED Talk Our approach to innovation is dead wrong she proposes an unconventional business approach to this challenge and in her innovation experiments with MBA students vs kindergarten kids, guess who wins?

Let me know what you think

PS. And then for a bit of fun, play the workplace bingo game with this freebie I made a couple of years back. Who would have thought office buzz words could be so much fun!

Think outside the nest

By Animals

outside the box

I think for me, ‘thinking outside the box’ has become the new ‘why did the chicken cross the road’. So many opportunities for a fun and quirky interpretation.

But back to our humble chicken… Yet again I’ve troweled the internet to find the best of the best chicken jokes (by the way, Google provided me with a choice of 3.68 million options). So, rather than providing you with bog standard, Top 10 best ever why did the chicken cross the road jokes, I’ve found a highly intellectual take on the subject in question. Drum roll please…

Harvard University physics department has dedicated a page to answering the question through the mouths of famous physicists. From Einstein, to Sagan, to Pascal – they’re all in there. Enjoy!

So what’s your favourite chicken joke?


My workplace

By That's life, Work

Think outside the boxThink outside the cubicle…

Obviously that’s what my workplace was thinking when they recently reconfigured our office floor space… not that I’m complaining. I mean, in this case I’ve moved from office to jungle…

My open plan office

And before I forget, a big shout out to Seeker, long time blogging friend. It was a post she made a few weeks back that planted the cubicle seed.

So, back to the cubicle…What makes your cubicle special?

My cubicle is below…special, huh?

Office workstation

Thinking inside the box

By Work

Frank and thinking box1

Thinking outside the box, made me wonder what other ‘outside the box’ inventions were out there. Google patents didn’t let me down and thought this box invention hit the mark.


us22185I initially thought this delightful 1879 Fire escape patent US221885 involved a box, but alas I was wrong – it was  parachute. In the words of designer, Benjamin Oppenheimer,

‘The accompanying drawing represents a side view of a person with my improved fireescape, shown as applied for-use. This invention relates to an improved fireescape or safety device, by which a person may safely jump out of the window of a burning building from any height, and land, withont injury and without the least damage, on the ground; audit consists of a parachute attached, in suitable manner, to the upper part of the body, in combination with overshoes having elastic bottom pads of suitable thickness to take up the concussion with the ground.’

So, maybe the corporate box isn’t such a bad invention after all.

Which one would you give a go?