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Frank has gone fishing

I haven’t been keeping count, but I think Frank is slowly getting ahead of his boss in the win:lose count.

Ever ‘gone fishing’, when you should have been at work?



  • Carrie Rubin says:

    No fishing for me. That would mean I’d have to touch worms. 😉

    • Marti says:

      I went fishing once. The worms I could cope with, the thrill of the chase I enjoyed as I saw them swimming around my bate from the peer above… it was what came after the catch. I couldn’t kill them, I felt so bad. That was the first and last time I went fishing (30 years ago)

  • sjvernon says:

    It’s easy not to leave the troops when you’re high and dry like the boss! Good for Frank for finding a way around things… though, after working under water all this time, I’d think he wouldn’t want to go fishing! I’d want to go somewhere nice and dry!

    • Marti says:

      Yes, good idea, perhaps the Whitsundays and my favourite beach – White Haven (just Google it if you haven’t heard of it, it’s picture perfect)

  • Ha, ha. It seems like the boss’ incompetence has worked out in Frank’s favour.

    • Marti says:

      Yes, those who wait patiently ultimately get rewarded. Thanks for popping by GD, I miss your banter. 🙂

  • seeker says:

    can you add some fishes and wormies in your next cartoons. This boss is such a dumb a…..

    • Marti says:

      You know, I was thunking of having a couple of gold fish swimming around with Frank… and then I thought even better, I could have a shark swim around and see what the boss made of that 🙂