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speech bubble vs thought bubble

Sometimes I can’t help myself and play with the notion that the cartoon is real. I think it stems back to my childhood days where I spent hours watching Looney Tunes with the likes of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. One of my all time favourite cartoons was Duck Amuck where Daffy was brought to life as a living and breathing animation that could converse with his animator – or should I say tormentor, who subjected the poor actor to animation trickery. So if you have 7 minutes to spare, do yourself a favour and watch this classic.

So, did you enjoy Duck Amuck?



  • Carrie Rubin says:

    Sometimes I think I’m trapped within my own thought bubble. The curse of a writer. 😄

    Duck Amuck certainly brings back memories!

    • Marti says:

      Yes, we can get wrapped up in own own little thought bubbles from time to time. It’s usually a tragedy or simply watching a movie and letting yourself go that you realise there’s more than the confines of one’s bubble.

      PS. Duck Amuck rocks

  • Perpetua says:

    Thank goodness for the bubble, we don’t want to give our thoughts away. If only they could read our minds how silly we are as Donald Duck creating our own world. That vid is worth six minutes of my time bringing the lisp sounding voice.

    • Marti says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed it. I must admit I hadn’t thought about it that way, but yes, it is good that our own personal speech bubbles are ‘invisible’ to others – otherwise I’d probably get into a lot of trouble!

  • Duck Amuck is a classic. Thanks for the trip to memory lane and your funny cartoons!

    • Marti says:

      Glad to hear it’s a favourite of yours too. I must admit, when I found the link I couldn’t help but watch it just one more time 🙂