The three toad sloth with extra suction
Sloths are probably the closest looking real life cartoon in existence. After drawing this cartoon, I had to do a bit more research on this wonderful mammal. Here are some things you might’t know about the humble sloth.
- They are so slow moving that algae grows on their fur – Well I joke partially, but it does help them stay camouflaged in the tree top homes.
- There are both two toed and three toed sloths, but both have long claws up to 10cm in length, which they use to grip to tree branches.
- Sloths once were as large as elephants…but that was thousands of years ago and these types have been extinct for over 10,000 years.
- It can take up to a month for a sloth to digest it’s meal. Their leaf diet is hard to break down and they rely on stomach bacteria to help the process along.
So what’s your favourite animal?
Hi There
Gotta be an Owl, I find that their eyes and the way they sit and don’t move a muscle, and stare intrigues me. They are a beautiful bird in all their forms.
I love birds too and white owls are particularly spectacular. Good choice. I thought you might have gone for a native NZ animal.
Gorgeous cartoon and I love sloths!!!! My favourite animal? Much too hard to nail down just one. Generally species I’ve either studied (so know in-depth), or species I’ve travelled a long way to find or had to invest a lot of time/ energy searching for! Things like the thorny devil, scaly-tailed possum, monjon, green python, buff-breasted paradise kingfisher, yellow kingfisher, spotted cuscus, golden-backed tree rat, striped possum etc etc
Wow…too many and I’m showing my ignorance when I admit to having to Google half of them. I like the way your choice reflects the amount of effort put into that particular animal – me, I’m a bit of a softy for fluffy and cute – makes deciding easier.
It’s hard to go past a spotted cuscus for fluffy and cute
Seems like that is technically a six-toad sloth there!
As for my favorite… I guess I’m simple and like dogs… but if I expand to non-pet animals… I like some frogs, especially those bright-colored ones, even if they usually are poisonous!
I’m a dog lover too. We own two golden retrievers – blonde, hairy and beautiful.
Frogs – they are pretty cool. When I think frog, I think of the corroboree frog because I did a science study into it way back in high school and I loved the colour of it – shiny black and yellow – no camouflage happening with that frog, unless it’s hiding in a bowl of liquorice all sorts!
There’s that one they recently discovered, apparently, that looks a lot like Kermit! That one looked particularly cute.
Sloths will love you to death, slow death by hanging on to you. Saw a YouTube on this one. What’s my fav, hmmm… that’s a tough one. Love dog’s but can’t have one in the residence. Love Hummers but they are way to fast for me to pet them. Soooo…. I ended with cats not because I love them, but they need love. What can I say.
Wouldn’t that be awesome if they have painted nails?