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With a post like this, it’s worth contemplating some stats in the area of social networking….and guess who leads the pack with the most subscribers?…..Yes, Facebook (about 750 million users). Here are 3 interesting stats, for more, you can view the site I chose to take my stats from.

  1. 300,000 users helped translate Facebook into 70 languages (I wonder how many were paid and what you had to do to get accepted?)
  2. Users on YouTube spend a total of 2.9 billion hours per month (326,294 years) (I think the calculation into years puts the billion hours number into perspective – mind boggling – enough time to demonstrate Darwin’s theory of evolution)
  3. Wikipedia hosts 17 million articles (The old Encyclopedia Britannica books housed in my parents bookshelf didn’t stand a chance)

And one final reminder – the cartoon caption competition ends today 17:00hrs sharp! Winner will be announced 29 February.


  • Bob T Panda says:

    Guess what…I’ve awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award! I guess it’s a little like a blog chain letter, and you can take it or leave it, if you like. Should you decide to accept this award, there are a few things you need to do:

    1. Thank me in a blog post, and provide a link back to my blog,
    2. List 7 things about you that we, your readers may not know. (my favorite part)
    3. Pass the award on to 7 more people, with a link to their blogs as part of the list. There may at one time been a requirement to add them to your blogroll, but I can’t remember, as I have procrastinated doing this for long enough that I lost track of the original email instructions.

    Be the Bear!
    Bob T. Panda

  • harold says:

    Maybe room for the odd financial adviser too