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The new work employee

By Animals, Work

The black sheep

Every family has a black sheep lurking in the group and looks like every work office does too. What are the odds that the next employee will be a dung beetle to deal with the droppings? Before you know it, the office will be a full on self sustaining ecosystem.

Who’s your favourite superstar?

By That's life

Celebrity superstar

Sorry for being corny, but it just had to be done, didn’t it?

You may recall some of my previous Tomato Soup cartoons (soup-ersauros, soup-ernova, soup-ernatural, soup-erman, soup-erficial). I think I have exhausted all possible ‘soup’ word gags… but over to you…

Any other ‘soup’ word gags? Let me know and I’ll give it a bash

The first sign of madness

By That's life


Ever talked to yourself in the mirror?

Well I do…and perhaps I might have hesitated from sharing this with your lovely self, but now I feel confident to shout it out loud.  You see, I’ve done a bit of research into the topic (Google, that is) and low and behold there have been numerous studies into this fine area. Studies conclude that

People Who Talk To Themselves Aren’t Crazy, They’re Actually Geniuses

So, there you have it! But as for the second sign of madness, well, the jury is still out. Now, that we are all a little bit wiser, you can tell me…

Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror?


Having a few issues?

By Animals, That's life

need to see the doctor

I had such a great response from my last word play cartoon, that I’ve packaged up some of your favourite expressions into the one cartoon. Good thing, they were all animal based.

Can you think of any more ailments I could add?



Cold season

By Animals

Cold and frog in throat

I love colourful phrases as they can be so visual in nature. The expression has only been around since the late 1800’s. It was made common place when an 1894 throat lozenges advertising campaign made the claim that “The Taylor Bros. say that ‘Frog in the Throat’ will cure hoarseness. 10 cents and box.”

Lozenge advertisement

What’s your favourite expression or phrase?

Memory of a goldfish?

By Animals, Science


Thanks to Jen Martin of Espresso Science, I found new material for this week’s cartoon. Hyperthymesia, is the condition of possessing a superior autobiographical memory and is derived from the Greek, hyper, meaning excessive and thymesis, meaning remembering. Individuals are able to recall the vast majority of personal experiences and events in their life such as what day Easter Sunday fell on and what they wore and did on that particular day.

So, on the topic of memory,

Can you guess which occupation would have the hardest [memory] test in the world?

I would have guessed astronaut. What would you guess?

PS. The answer is in her most recent post What memories are made.