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By That's life

I received this definition from a friend’s website newsletter, Talking About.  It listed the results from the Washington Post’s 1998 Mensa Invitational competition, which involved the creation of new words, by playing with combinations of other words.  To see the original list, click here (it also explains the interesting history behind this). If you like playing with words, the website also has an annual competition to create new words. You can view their 2010, 2011 results as well as entering for 2012.

Forecasting fine and sunny

By Animals

I was very excited to receive a free upgrade for my iPad app (Sketchbook pro) a few weeks ago. It included the provision of bubble drawing!

In my excitement I had to find some excuse to give it a whirl.

One armed freestyle race

By Pot Luck

Did you know that the Paralympics first started in 1948 when Ludwig Guttmann organized a sports competition which involved WW2 veterans that had spinal injuries? From there it has grown from the 1960 event in Rome with 400 participants from 23 countries, to 3806 participants and 136 countries in the Athens 2004 Olympics. Personally, I prefer watching the paralympics. You get a feeling of the true spirit of competition and I’m always amazed in what humans can accomplish.

April competition – How many jelly beans in the jar?

By Competitions

Well, not really ‘how many jellybeans in the jar’, more like, ‘how many images in my latest release Flip toon’. I just thought this would be a good analogy.

So this competition has been especially released for those of you who prefer the ‘guessing’ type competition, versus the ‘effort’ type competition. It shouldn’t take you more than 15 seconds to enter, and there’s a prize for the winner!

Click here to be the first to enter.

Walk like an Egyptian Flip Toon

By Flip Toon

You’ll have to click here to see the cartoon today – it’s on You Tube!

I’m very excited to release my very first ‘Flip Toon’.

‘What the flip is is a Flip Toon?’ I hear you ask. Well it’s a Marti’ism. It combines those hand made flip books that show an animation (remember them from your childhood?) with a cartoon. I daren’t call it an animation, that would be too brash, for what I consider to be a modest extension to the cartoon media.

I hope to make more, but first I’ll need to recover from this experience. My hat goes out to those very talented people, who rightfully call themselves animators.  It just about sent me over the edge making this – but that’s another story, probably a whole new blog…but I digress.

I hope you enjoy it.

Dead elephant

By Animals

I don’t know where the myth concerning elephants standing after they die came from. Various theories are out there, but I couldn’t find any evidence on Google. Here is Tyler’s theory on the subject.