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Vote with your feet

By That's life

Last week I experienced an almost similar scenario. If my feet could have walked out on me they would have.

First I subjected them to a new pair of boots, to only create two blisters which grew and popped on both heels within 20 minutes of commencing my walk to work. Next, a friend at work offered a pair of other shoes to get me home in. They ended up being so tight across the toes that my toes cramped up. Somehow I managed to hobble to my car. The joy continues the following day with only one pair of shoes in my wardrobe that didn’t kill my heels. Unfortunately they were summer styled (winter at present) with exposed toes, so I couldn’t hide my white legs behind stockings (Well I could, but then the stocking and sandal look is somewhere even I am not willing to go to).  Again, I trekked to work, only to have the sling back fall lose, resulting in a pair of clogs, which wouldn’t have been that bad, if it was not for the fact they were high heels, so they clip clapped all day long.

Today I’m wearing sensible unfashionable sneakers.

The working woman’s tardis

By That's life

For years I refused to get a handbag, mainly because of the possible above scenario eventuating. I succumbed a few years ago now, but insisted on hunting down a bag with multiple compartments so I didn’t end up lugging around a sack and not being able to find anything.

And for the men out there, why not give the man bag a go?  You’ll wonder how you ever lived without one.

Warning: Thunder and lightning forecast

By Animals

Ever heard of cows dying mysteriously during a thunderstorm?

The reason is that there is a potential energy difference between the front and back legs. If the lightning enters the front legs, it will travel through the body in search of ground, which it achieves by exiting the back legs. The cow has become part of the electrical circuit and because of this potential energy difference, it’s zapped – and bang you’re gone. If you’re not adverse to a bit of blood, check out this local story on a cow that survived a lighting strike.

On a lighter note, how many times does lightning strike the earth?

  1. 1,000 times a second
  2. 1,000 times a minute
  3. once a minute
  4. 30 times an hour

The answer is one.

Russian blood transfusion

By Pot Luck

The first documented attempt at blood transfusion was made by Stefano Infessura of an event that occurred back in 1492. Pope Innocent VIII fell into a coma and his wise physician prescribed a blood transfusion (via the mouth as circulation wasn’t fully understood). Three 10 year old volunteer boys donated some of their blood in return for a ducat. Unfortunately for all 4, they all died.

Blood transfusion made real leaps in success rate when in 1907 Ludvig Hektoen connected the matching of blood types (first discovered in 1901) for the transfusion process.


Dinosaur bones with a difference

By Dave the dot to dot dinosaur

Dinosaur fossils (Latin  fossus, meaning ‘having been dug up’) aren’t made of bone, they are made from rock (silica).

According to Wiki there are 6 ways of achieving this, but I’ll only describe the permineralization process. First, the dinosaur had to die and be covered up pretty much immediately (such as sinking in mud) before the scavengers found it. As time passes, more sediment covers the remains and the flesh starts to rot away, leaving only the bones which decay slower.  As they decay, groundwater carrying rich minerals seep into where the bone once was. Effectively it is a mineral replacement process with the replacing of ‘bone’ mineral with ‘rock’ mineral. Once the bone has all been replaced you have a perfect replica of the original bone, but now made from rock.

Thanks to Murphy, our beautiful lady golden retriever, for modelling for this cartoon.

A surprise Saturday cartoon

By Competitions

Well, a cartoon of sorts. I recently discovered The New Yorker Cartoon page online. It had a competition designed to test your cartoon creativity and asked people to make an animal, invention, toy, whatever, by using any 3 of the 15 shapes provided.

Although my entries were technically invalid (they only choose those from the USA), that minor rule was not going to stop me. After all, I’ve heard Australia is the 51st forgotten state of the USA.  My two submissions are below and the winners are one click away here.