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And a word from Mr Higgs Boson himself

By Science

The experimental proof of the elusive Higgs Boson was announced last week with some claiming that this discovery was to physics, the equivalent of what evolution was to biology. In a nutshell, a Higgs boson is a subatomic particle and is responsible for turning other sub atomic particles into mass, therefore enabling the creation of the stars and planets just after the big bang. This has lead it to be called ‘God’s particle’, as without it, there universe could not have formed

Paper, Scissor, Rock

By Pot Luck

More Paper, Scissor, Rock cartoons on the back burner (and it’s from one of our subscribers too!).

Ever thought of using Paper, Scissor Rock as decider? Well that’s exactly what Takashi Hashiyama (a CEO of a Japanese TV manufacturer) did. He wanted to sell off his firm’s painting (you know, just your oldies but goodies, like Cezanne, Van Gogh and Picasso). Christie’s and Sotheby’s Auction houses were contacted and asked to make a proposal. It was too close to make a call, so Takashi decided it would ultimately be settled via a paper, scissor rock contest “it probably looks strange to others, but I believe this is the best way to decide between two things which are equally good”.  Both auction houses decided their ‘one’ choice over the weekend.

Christie’s approached one of the company’s 11 year old daughter seeking advice. She suggested  “scissors” because “Everybody expects you to choose ‘rock’.” Sotheby’s applied no strategy as it was seen as a game of chance and went with “paper”. Chrisite’s won the rights to sell a $20 million dollar collection.

Reference, Wiki

The amazing invisible man

By Pot Luck

We’ve been watching a lot of Marvel hero movies and cartoons lately. Iron man and the Avengers are top of our list at the moment.  Wonder if Invisible Man would make a good addition to the Avengers.