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Usain Bolt versus Neutrino

By Science

Poor Neutrino, after his initial glory of the being the fastest, and then an error in equipment leading to his rapid demotion, and just recently with Usain Bolt pipping him at the post with an amazing Olympic record time of 9.63s for the 100m sprint.

This cartoon was a true team effort, with my thanks going to Mark from AusMigrate who provided the initial idea.

And for subscribers, consider this extra surprise cartoon for the day as a thanks for all your support!

Eat your heart out Carmen Miranda

By Bill and Ben the little green alien men

My favourite gadget is my glue gun. Sad I know, but having grown up as a child who loved making things without one, I’ve learnt to embrace the wonders of this useful tool. I glued this together for a fancy dress in just 3 hours.

I think that the little green aliens are a special extra touch too, but they wouldn’t let me glue them in place.

Security breach

By IT and Computer Stuff

My experience to date with Cloud technology has been mixed. On the annoying side, I used it initially to transfer cartoons from one iPad to another, only to have the cartoon mysteriously disappear from one iPad (supposedly into the Cloud) never to be seen again. It got stuck up there with no way of retrieving it. Well, maybe there was a way, but I gave up and got on with life and drew a couple of Cloud related cartoons to seek my vengeance. (Evil, aren’t I?)

My next experience was confusing at first. My partner was overseas for work. While he was gone I noticed all these strange photos appear in my iPad photo stream (from his iPhone). Luckily for him they were all clean photos of restaurant banquets and people generally having a great time out. No wonder I had no sympathy on his return from a long, tiring, stressful work trip away!

Beware of food beyond its use by date

By Dung Beetles

A coprolite is fossilised feces, with its derivation coming from the Greek words kopros (dung) and lithos (stone).  For paleontologists they are significant, in that these trace fossils provide insight into the deceased owner’s diet.

I wonder how many budding palaeontologists sign up knowing that it’s not just bones that they will be playing with?

Miss Universe Pageant found to be rigged

By Bill and Ben the little green alien men, Space and Aliens

A pageant wouldn’t be a pageant without a bit of controversy and gossip.

  • Miss USA Mary Leona Gage was disqualified in the 1957 finals as she was both married and a mother. Somehow, she had passed through unnoticed of her status all the way into the semi finals
  • In 2000 the Miss Australia entrant was chosen by a modelling agency to represent Australia (pageants had stopped as they were considered out of tune with the times). Although not against the rules, this was  frowned upon, as the intent is to have winners from in country competitions compete in the Miss Universe.  Ironically, the then chosen entrant, Jennifer Hawkins, went on to win the title in 2004.