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dung beetle

Leonardo’s last supper revisited

By Dung Beetles

Apologies for the continuous toilet humour. I obviously have dung on the mind. Must be somehow related to having two golden retrievers and a small backyard.

PS. Don’t worry, I can assure you all, no dung beetles were hurt in the making of this cartoon.

Back to the topic, Leonardo’s last supper is famous. Many artists have interpreted this amazing piece of artwork. Here are 3 images I found on Google.

1. Lego Last supper

2. Go out rocking

3. Apple technology last supper

What do Doug and Sisyphus have in common

By Dung Beetles

My thanks to Gus, one of the first to ‘like’ my new Facebook Page. He liked Doug so much (and who wouldn’t), he suggested Doug finds a suitable roll model. For those not up with ancient Greek mythology, you can read about poor Sisyphus, who was banished to an eternity of having to roll a rock up a mountain, only to have it roll back down again…and so it goes on. If you read a bit more about him, you can’t feel too sorry for him, as he doesn’t appear to be the nicest person to have ever roamed the planet.

Doug becomes a Dad

By Dung Beetles

My thanks to Troy for this contribution.

Did you know there are 3 kinds of dung beetles? Rollers, tunnellers and dwellers (Doug is a rock ‘n’ roller).

A roller sculpts a chunk of dung into a ball and rolls his prize away from its initial source. It’s then used for food later on, or the female lays her eggs in it (so the babies won’t starve on birth). A tunneller will fly to find it’s prey, then dive into it and undergo a sub terrain excavation to bury as much of the prize as possible, within an underground tunnel. And my favourite – the dweller, who takes up residence in the dung pile (well, its the eggs that do this. the adult lays their eggs in the dung so that when they hatch they have ample food to get them started). Who could ask for a better home?

Love your job

By Dung Beetles

Two things I’ve learnt so far:

  1. a job for life if you don’t love it, is more of a prison sentence than a life enhancer
  2. when experiencing ‘cartooning block’ go for toilet humour

Meet the Characters of Just Outside the Box Cartoon

By Website announcements

By popular demand, I’ve been requested to create a character profile page on the home menu. Check it out by clicking here.

At present it champions 3 Just Outside the Box regulars – Bill and Ben the Little Alien Men, Dave the Dot to Dot Dinosaur and Doug the Dung Beetle.  As more characters emerge, I’ll add their profile to it.

If you want to find out more about these little guys, just click that ‘Leave a reply’ box at the bottom of the post and ask a question about one of them (it’s not that hard and you might have a bit of fun by doing so – hint, hint).

Unlike my day job email in tray, I look forward to being inundated with queries for this one!

Introducing Doug the Dung Beetle

By Dung Beetles

Some beetles have all the luck!  I just wish the CSIRO would re-open their Dung Beetle project and find the ideal variety to deal with two golden retriever pets.  For a short history on one of the most successful animal imports into Australia, Google search the CSIRO Dung Beetle Project.