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The Board Report

By Science

Board Memo2


I’m sure Dilbert has already done something like this, but didn’t have the time to trawl through all his cartoons (as much fun as that would be).

What happens when you rotate the corporate ladder by 90 degrees?

By That's life, Work

When you rotate the corporate ladder And I was surprised to see that there were more similarities between the corporate ladder and monkey bars

The inventor, Sebastian Hinton, patented the first set of monkey bars in 1920.  In his patent application (Ref: US1471465 A) he explained his inspiration and logic for creating this piece of equipment.

‘As exercise for children, climbing has in it conspicuous-features of advantage. It is an exercise wherein all the muscles of the whole body are used. Climbing is the natural method of locomotion which the evolutionary predecessors of the human race were designed to practice, and is therefore almost ideally suited for children…  

Again and importantly, the monkey instinct strong in all human beings and perhaps more clearly displayed in children, makes climbing a sport to which children by a psychology about the same as that of a kitten at play with a ball, which of course is practice for hunting.’

And now for a bit of fun, let’s change the word ‘children; with ‘businessman’ and tweak a few choice words

‘As exercise for ambitious businessmen, climbing the corporate ladder has in it conspicuous-features of advantage. It is an exercise wherein all the muscles of the whole body are used. Climbing is the natural method of locomotion which the evolutionary predecessors of the human race were designed to practice, and is therefore almost ideally suited for the want-to-be CEO…

Again and importantly, the monkey instinct strong in all human beings and perhaps more clearly displayed in businessmen, makes climbing the corporate ladder a sport to which businessmen by a psychology about the same as that of a kitten at play with a ball, which of course is practice for hunting.’

The winners of ‘Name the Alien’ competition

By Competitions

Meet my new alien mascots

blue alien blank


Moon alien 2


pink alien blank









Congratulations to our winners, Teresa, Colleen from MorgueMouse and Shirley

But here are some of the other fantastic entries – all really clever and funny. A big thank you to all who entered!

  • Sky Moos, Lunar Rover, Iron Chicken (Simon)
  • Big Blue, Screaming Pink, Old Gold (Harold)
  • Quasar, Pulsar, Lidar Farkle, Quarkle, Sparkle (Colleen, from
  • Hix, Isboor, Strognor, Galagat, Zobrat, Ecotylyn, Silaspran, Dugae, Ots, Crawog, Teopee, Olaf, Selcuk, Oreo, Erfu, Afana, Layorra, Largik (Ruqhia from
  • Nanu Nanu (Seeker from
  • Tendercles, kudzlefly and Hesnaw (Lovehappynotes from from
  • Scary, Mary, Marti – I suggest your extraterrestrial trio are the Moonbeam sisters. But which one’s which?
I think Marti is the one in the middle (Grumpy old git from
  • Tiny (blue), Gumball (yellow), Fang (pink) (Shirley)
  • Warp,
 Piranha, Sunshine (Teresa)
  • Ecks, Wye, Zed – or X, Y and Z as a short form. Ecks (pink alien – you never know what he/she will do), Wye (blue – always asking questions and usually worried about the answers) and Zed (yellow – cool and calm, the last word in any discussion. (GD from
  • Gregory, Cheeseball, Pinky Poo (Katja)
  • Cosmo, Knuckles, 4t2 (as in, the answer) (Saskia)
  • Flotsom, Jetsom and Getsome (Jonathan)


Reference: Competition details