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Another alien

By Space and Aliens

Wordplay AustralianI have Darren from Just watching the wheel go round to thank for coming up with the wordplay idea for Australien.  Being Australian and a lover of all things alien, I couldn’t help but draw this character. Thought he might have a flying thong spaceship to get around in too… but that’s another cartoon.

Best golf game ever

By Evil aliens

I’ve never been a big fan of golf. I guess I dislike the idea of chasing a silly little white ball around…..but, an intergalactic golf course, with golf ball eating black holes – now that’s what I call fun!

Why did the chicken cross the road?

By Space and Aliens

why did the alien cross the road‘Well, if this joke can work for the chicken, then why not the alien?’ I ask.

I must admit, even as a child I never found this joke funny. But now that I’ve reinvigorated it with a bit of alien fun, it’s not that bad, eh?

What’s your all time top corny joke?