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does sound travel through water?At last, Frank wins…

OK, before I get bombarded with emails informing me of my acoustical error, let me acknowledge that yes, I do realise that sound does travel through water. I think from a cartooning perspective, that anything goes and at least Frank has used his boss’s lack of knowledge to his advantage for once.

In fairness to the depicted scene, sound will have difficulty in reaching Frank as it is travelling through air before it reaches the water, so there is an element of reflection and absorption that occurs when the sound waves hit the liquid.

But did you realise that sound travels fastest through a solid (about 6000 m/sec) when compared with liquid (1480 m/s) and air (332 m/s)?  This is so because the molecules are packed tighter together in a solid, than a liquid or gas and allows for a more effective transmission of sound.


  • Carrie Rubin says:

    I did not know that. See? You learn something new everyday. 🙂

    • Marti says:

      Cool.. and here’s another trick. If you place your ear on a desk and extend your arm out to the other end of the desk to very very gently tap the desk top you will hear it louder through the desk, than when you lift your head and try to hear it through air. 🙂

  • sjvernon says:

    You can also feel sounds through a desk too… but that’s a different topic. I like that you go ahead and explain the bits about sound. I do that too. I feel like a lot of people wouldn’t even know, but for the people who would know, I like to head off the complaint department by explaining my glitch or creative choices too! 🙂

    On Facebook I asked about the underwater PAPERwork… here I’ll ask, is he using ink that doesn’t run? 🙂

    • Marti says:

      Complaint department – hee, hee – I think I’ll set up a new web page

      How about a pen… they don’t run do they?

      • sjvernon says:

        If they have paper, I guess they must have a pen that works… I try not to be underwater, since I can’t swim… so I’ll never know firsthand!