A relative of mine unwittingly handed this one to me on a silver platter when in casual conversation they referred to some purée,but pronouncing it as poo-rée. I’ll protect the innocent, and they shall remain nameless.
Dogs – always a sucker for toilet humour. My dogs on the other hand…..eat it if I don’t clean up the backyard in a timely fashion! (probably shared more than was necessary – sorry)
Thanks Skinnyuz2b. I can see you looked at my Doug dung beetle collection. I’ve just been getting back into him after a break, where I tried to find maturity, but failed
Well, you know I’m always up for a little scatological humor.
Yes, I thought of you when I posted this. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, considering the content
I will take any thoughts of me, whether they come with poo territory or not…
Dogs – always a sucker for toilet humour. My dogs on the other hand…..eat it if I don’t clean up the backyard in a timely fashion! (probably shared more than was necessary – sorry)
I prefer to hold out for cat poo…. *snicker*
Oh no!
I love your sense of humor, as well as your cartoons.
Thanks Skinnyuz2b. I can see you looked at my Doug dung beetle collection. I’ve just been getting back into him after a break, where I tried to find maturity, but failed