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Dweller dung beetle sourcing its latest egg laying locationI thought it time to explore a few more traits of the delightful dung beetle. The first time I introduced Doug dung beetle’s dweller dung beetle cousin I provided some insight into the life of the dweller versus the roller.  Dweller dung beetles don’t really set up residence in dung (well not the adult that is). Instead, they see it as the ideal incubating location for their offspring and lay their eggs deep within a nicely sized dropping of freshly laid dung.

After completing this cartoon, I began to wonder how close to the possible truth this cartoon could be. I mean, I know dung beetles eat dung (derr!), but more importantly, whose dung? My research lead me to this article which summarises the research of some scientists who took it upon themselves to discover what different types of dung, the dung beetle enjoys. But to summarise, given the opportunity, dung beetles actually prefer exotic poo and human and chimpanzee poo is top of the list.

So now you’ve been warned. Keep your eyes peeled next time you enter your bathroom.