I wanted to create a cartoon with three animals deprived of hearing, seeing and speaking. The former two were easy to come up with suitable candidates, but the latter was a tad more difficult. I mean, is it possible to be born without a mouth? Well, yes it is, if you are the gnat of the glow-worm. The humble glow-worm starts its life as an egg (3 weeks), it then becomes a larvae (9 months – as the glow-worm), followed by a pupa (2 weeks), to finally emerge as a gnat. And the gnat doesn’t have a mouth! This probably explains why it only lives long enough to lay eggs and that’s it (about 3 days).
Where do you find this stuff? Brilliant!
Maybe I’m a nerdy engineer without a life 🙂
Lives are entirely overrated. I lost mine when I had children. I’ve hardly noticed its absence…