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Ever talked to yourself in the mirror?

Well I do…and perhaps I might have hesitated from sharing this with your lovely self, but now I feel confident to shout it out loud.  You see, I’ve done a bit of research into the topic (Google, that is) and low and behold there have been numerous studies into this fine area. Studies conclude that

People Who Talk To Themselves Aren’t Crazy, They’re Actually Geniuses

So, there you have it! But as for the second sign of madness, well, the jury is still out. Now, that we are all a little bit wiser, you can tell me…

Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror?



  • Jen Martin says:

    To be honest, no I don’t. But sounds like something Espresso Science had better look into! Great cartoon Marti!

    • Marti says:

      Right, I shall hold Espresso science to that.
      PS. Feel free to use my cartoon in the post – It could go towards my 15 minutes of fame – I’m only up to about 5 min, 34sec

  • Seeker says:

    You are just a genius for talking back. I know I am both but I seldom use the mirror to talk to my inner self.

    • Marti says:

      Personally, I prefer not making the eye contact with Ms Mirror. It’s easier to mutter to oneself 🙂

  • Very funny! I don’t talk to myself in the mirror precisely because of the possibility, like your cartoon, that I will get a reply… and I won’t like it. 🙁