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Dung Beetles

Not more toilet humour!

By Dung Beetles

Doug dung beetle tried convincing junior to eat his pooA relative of mine unwittingly handed this one to me on a silver platter when in casual conversation they referred to some purée,but pronouncing it as poo-rée. I’ll protect the innocent, and they shall remain nameless.

Is your home possibly more dung beetle friendly than you initially thought?

By Dung Beetles

Dweller dung beetle sourcing its latest egg laying locationI thought it time to explore a few more traits of the delightful dung beetle. The first time I introduced Doug dung beetle’s dweller dung beetle cousin I provided some insight into the life of the dweller versus the roller.  Dweller dung beetles don’t really set up residence in dung (well not the adult that is). Instead, they see it as the ideal incubating location for their offspring and lay their eggs deep within a nicely sized dropping of freshly laid dung.

After completing this cartoon, I began to wonder how close to the possible truth this cartoon could be. I mean, I know dung beetles eat dung (derr!), but more importantly, whose dung? My research lead me to this article which summarises the research of some scientists who took it upon themselves to discover what different types of dung, the dung beetle enjoys. But to summarise, given the opportunity, dung beetles actually prefer exotic poo and human and chimpanzee poo is top of the list.

So now you’ve been warned. Keep your eyes peeled next time you enter your bathroom.

Beware of food beyond its use by date

By Dung Beetles

A coprolite is fossilised feces, with its derivation coming from the Greek words kopros (dung) and lithos (stone).  For paleontologists they are significant, in that these trace fossils provide insight into the deceased owner’s diet.

I wonder how many budding palaeontologists sign up knowing that it’s not just bones that they will be playing with?

To dwell, or not to dwell – that is the question

By Dung Beetles

You might recall an earlier Doug Dung Beetle post which explained that there are 3 types of dungs beetles – roller (Doug), tunneller and dweller (Doug’s cousin). Well for a bit of Friday fun, I thought it was time to have another poll.  Tell us what you think – just click your choice, then hit the vote button – easy!

[polldaddy poll=6214557]

Leonardo’s last supper revisited

By Dung Beetles

Apologies for the continuous toilet humour. I obviously have dung on the mind. Must be somehow related to having two golden retrievers and a small backyard.

PS. Don’t worry, I can assure you all, no dung beetles were hurt in the making of this cartoon.

Back to the topic, Leonardo’s last supper is famous. Many artists have interpreted this amazing piece of artwork. Here are 3 images I found on Google.

1. Lego Last supper

2. Go out rocking

3. Apple technology last supper

What do Doug and Sisyphus have in common

By Dung Beetles

My thanks to Gus, one of the first to ‘like’ my new Facebook Page. He liked Doug so much (and who wouldn’t), he suggested Doug finds a suitable roll model. For those not up with ancient Greek mythology, you can read about poor Sisyphus, who was banished to an eternity of having to roll a rock up a mountain, only to have it roll back down again…and so it goes on. If you read a bit more about him, you can’t feel too sorry for him, as he doesn’t appear to be the nicest person to have ever roamed the planet.