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Darwin 6: Dinosaurs 0

By Dinosaurs

My thanks need to go to Mark from Australian Migration – This was his contribution to one of the possible reasons for the ultimate demise of those cute, green dinosaurs. If you have a theory, why not submit a joke on the Submit a joke page and I’ll have a crack at drawing it. I’m targeting 50:0!

What do Darwin and the singing fat lady have in common?

By Dinosaurs

And now for 3 things you mightn’t know about Chuck:

  • On his 25th birthday, Captain FitzRoy named a mountain in honour of Charles. Mt Darwin is the tallest mountain in Tierra del Fuego (in the Andes). And if that wasn’t enough, a year earlier FitzRoy had named an expanse of water next to the then unnamed Mt Darwin, the Darwin Sound, to commemorate Darwin’s quick wit and courage. He saved them all from being marooned when giant waves created from a mass of ice split from a glacier and loomed towards their boat.
  • Darwin created a pros and cons list to help him determine if marriage was the right thing for him to pursue. Apparently it was, with one of the ‘pros’ for marriage ‘Object to be beloved and played with. Better than a dog anyhow’
  • Taking the latter point into account, this may be why he decided to keep marriage within the family. He wedded his first cousin, Emma Wedgwood (as in the fine china manufacturer).

Darwin 4 : Dinosaurs 0

By Dinosaurs

I’ve always had a soft spot for dinosaurs – cute, green giants is how I imagine them to be. I’m sure if I was around 200 million years ago I’d think otherwise.

This is another in the series of ‘Why dinosaurs became extinct’. The moral is, don’t mess with Darwin.  If you missed the first three, here they are: Dino take 1, Dino take 2, Dino take 3.

Happy Dinosaur Valentines

By Dinosaurs

…and just a few Valentines day quotes.

‘If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?’ Lily Tomlin

‘My boyfriend and I broke up. He wanted to get married and I didn’t want him to.’ Rita Rudner.

‘I require three things in a man. He must be handsome, ruthless and stupid.’ Dorothy Parker.

‘Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.’ Albert Einstein

Here boy. Fetch!

By Dinosaurs

‘Arrgh!’ Apologies for the typo in the last posting.  (If you replace ‘seeing’ with ‘wearing’ it might make a bit more sense. The link on the site has been updated). In my defence, I offer the fact that I is engineer and us enginiers are not known for our grammatical prowess.  However, engineers are known for their ability to apply logic and process and as such I have added the new process of independent proof reading prior to posting.  The newly appointed proof reader comes highly qualified with a masters of science! (definitely one up on the humble engineer).