The irony in the making of this cartoon, is that dogs can indeed see in colour, but not within the red and green spectrums. In fact, dogs can see yellow, grey and blue – this is equivalent to the human red-green colour blindness. Dogs only possess two colour receptors (commonly called cones), whereas humans have three, allowing them to see a broader spectrum of colours.
What can we learn for this? Well for one thing, you might be better off buying yellow or blue coloured toys rather than red or green, making it easier for the dog to distinguish it from the green grass.
Why not test the theory and throw two toys simultaneously – one blue/yellow, the other red/green – See if there is a preference.
We own a beautiful golden retriever called Ollie. He’s our 3rd golden and what I’ve always enjoyed about owning a pet is watching their personality develop from puppy to adult. Ollie is possibly the most tolerant, playful and goofy of our goldens. How many dogs would sit and pose for their owner in a shot like below?
What do you enjoy about your pet?
…but sometimes they go to the toilet – literally
Luckily for me and my family we all managed to avoid a bout of gastro this holiday trip to Myanmar. Having been a former girl scout in my younger years I was fully armed with a medical kit and was just about prepared for any holiday sickness. Bugs must have seen it and decided to attack another tourist instead.
So, did the holiday bug visit you these holidays?
I fondly look back at the early days when both my daughters were young and keen to get measured using the door frame to record the results.  Standing on tippy toes was a trick both tried regularly. I could laugh at the time because for me there was no competition…yet. However, I knew the time would come that they would surpass me and surpass me they did this year. At the tender ages of 13 and 15 they now tower over their tiny 5 ‘7″ mother. However, I’m not the shortest in the family. Our pet golden retriever Ollie will always be the shortest. 🙂
What height stories do you have?
Inspiration for my cartoons comes from many different sources, but unsurprisingly the internet claims the biggest portion of the pie. In this instance, it was the TED Talk by Shawn Achor, psychologist and author of The Happiness Advantage, in his presentation on The happy secret to better work.
The TED Talk blurb, reads as follows
‘We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards? In this fast-moving and very funny talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that, actually, happiness inspires us to be more productive.’
Just a little bit intrigued? Well, with over 16 million views, you probably can’t go wrong. Watch it here and then
Let me know what you think
I think for me, ‘thinking outside the box’ has become the new ‘why did the chicken cross the road’. So many opportunities for a fun and quirky interpretation.
But back to our humble chicken… Yet again I’ve troweled the internet to find the best of the best chicken jokes (by the way, Google provided me with a choice of 3.68 million options). So, rather than providing you with bog standard, Top 10 best ever why did the chicken cross the road jokes, I’ve found a highly intellectual take on the subject in question. Drum roll please…
Harvard University physics department has dedicated a page to answering the question through the mouths of famous physicists. From Einstein, to Sagan, to Pascal – they’re all in there. Enjoy!
So what’s your favourite chicken joke?