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Here boy. Fetch!

By Dinosaurs

‘Arrgh!’ Apologies for the typo in the last posting.  (If you replace ‘seeing’ with ‘wearing’ it might make a bit more sense. The link on the site has been updated). In my defence, I offer the fact that I is engineer and us enginiers are not known for our grammatical prowess.  However, engineers are known for their ability to apply logic and process and as such I have added the new process of independent proof reading prior to posting.  The newly appointed proof reader comes highly qualified with a masters of science! (definitely one up on the humble engineer).

Snottite – that can’t be a real word

By Pot Luck

Perhaps a limited audience for this cartoon, as snottites are probably not common knowledge (it’s never a good start when you have to explain your cartoons, but I’m rather attached to it).  I first heard of their existence by watching the Wonders of the Universe/Solar System documentaries by Prof Brian Cox.

So what do these little suckers looks like?  Well, as you can imagine their name was inspired by their appearance – check out these snottite photos and for more info read the NASA website’s article.