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The Grinch's Christmas presentLove a good Dr. Seuss book. Here are a few fun facts you mightn’t know about this talented man:

  • His real name was Theodor Seuss Geisel and had other pen names prior to staying with Dr Seuss – Dr. Theophrastus Seuss, Theo LeSieg and Rosetta Stone
  • Although the Grinch is specific character in a Dr. Seuss book, it is now commonly used to refer to people displaying a similar distain to Christmas
  • He married twice, but had no children. The irony would lead people to ask, Why no kids? He used to answer, ’You have ‘em; I’ll entertain ‘em.’
  • The Cat is the Hat was inspired after a text book editor read an article in Life magazine about the high rate of illiteracy amongst children. He commissioned Dr Seuss to write a book for kids to read. the catch was, he was only to use the 250 words provided to him by the editor.