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subatomic particle

And a word from Mr Higgs Boson himself

By Science

The experimental proof of the elusive Higgs Boson was announced last week with some claiming that this discovery was to physics, the equivalent of what evolution was to biology. In a nutshell, a Higgs boson is a subatomic particle and is responsible for turning other sub atomic particles into mass, therefore enabling the creation of the stars and planets just after the big bang. This has lead it to be called ‘God’s particle’, as without it, there universe could not have formed

Arriving before you leave – the life of a neutrino

By Space and Aliens

My thanks to Hugh for bringing me up to speed (bit of a pun and I didn’t even mean it) on the latest Hoo-ha going on in the land of particle physics.

Although this CERN experiment is still undergoing scrutiny, if found true it would shake up Einstein’s theory on general relativity (i.e., nothing travels faster than light). Here are a couple of articles related to the findings. Click me for CERN Press release and me for a ‘dummies’ explanation after an interview with CERN’s chief spokesman.