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The impact of western society’s overindulgence

By That's life

Household consumption

Have you taken a close look at your household consumption lately?

I do regularly as we seem to collect a ridiculous amount of stuff.  I religiously purge as we go and always make sure that the recycle bin is full. I follow the reduce/reuse/recycle philosophy by buying things with minimal packaging. One of my pet hates is green grocers who think it’s a good idea to cling wrap vegetables and place them onto a foam tray – avocados, bananas. (Is it just me, or is that just the most stupid idea to have evolved this century?)

I was thinking of introducing a new weight management system for the house involving a set of scales at the entrance for stuff brought home. Bring something new into the house, then offset it with something else you take out.

Enough 0f my rambling. What are your overindulgence pet hates?

Guess who’s crashed the party?

By Animals

Earworm partyMaybe you don’t have an Ohrwurm, perhaps you have beans stuck in your ears

You’re in for a real treat this week. I’m going to share with you the song ‘Bohnen in die Ohren’ (beans in the ears). My father used to play it incessantly at night time, while I was trying to go to sleep in my bedroom, which unfortunately shared one paper thin wall with the living room.

You absolutely must listen to this shortened rendition by Gus Backus to the very end (it only goes for 1:26 min). The lyrics are stupid at best; so stupid you gotta laugh.

A quick translation, so you get a better feel…

  • Yes, my mother says, Don’t poke any beans in your ears, beans in your ears, beans in your ears.
  • Yes, my mother says, Don’t poke any beans in your ears, beans in your ears.
  • Yes, you must speak louder, I have beans in my ears, beans in my ears, beans in my ears…
  • You can’t hear the teacher, with beans in your ears….

All this Ohrwurm talk reminded me of this song and I Googled it, not thinking I would actually find it. But surprise, surprise, there it was. I played it to my children, who thought it was so wonderful(ly annoying), they downloaded it from iTunes while my back was turned.

So, what do you think of the song? Feel sorry my my cruel upbringing?

The ghost selfie

By That's life

Selfie gone wrong?

The selfie where you miss yourself

Ever taken a selfie where you’ve missed yourself altogether? Or maybe, you saw someone else getting into a selfie pickle. 

Let me know and we’ll chuckle together, by leaving a comment below.

Hey, I’ve just moved to a self hosted site, so if you used to follow me on WordPress, then subscribe to my email list to make sure you don’t miss out on more cartoons and freebies.

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A soft bump

By That's life

when angels collide with people

I have my work friend to thank for this one

She looked at my arm and said, ‘You’ve been bumped by an angel.’ Not understanding, I said rather intelligently (not), ‘Huh?’ She plucked the lone feather which was stuck to my jacket and showed me. It made me smile. Hope this cartoon makes you smile too.

And an important message for current followers of this site. I’ve finally plucked the courage to change over from this WordPress hosted site to self hosting. What does this mean for current WordPress followers of this site? It means that you’ll receive an alert when I convert. If you wish to still keep in touch (and I’d love you too as it might be rather lonely out there), then you’ll be promoted to re-subscribe. For current email followers, there’s no change as the emails will continue.

Why the change? I feel that I’ve outgrown the current environment and want to have more freedom with the development of my site. I have no skill set, so I’ll have to learn as I go. Rather than a well thought out plan, it’s a bit more like a leap of faith. Wish me luck and hopefully you’ll join me.

Evolution disruptors

By Dinosaurs

The unpublished works of Charles Darwin – Evolution Disruptors

Why T-rex has short arms

  Yes, you’ve probably heard of Endocrine Disruptors, but have you heard of Evolution Disruptors? Here’s my definition:

Evolution disruptors are man-made or naturally occurring objects that, at certain levels of exposure, can interfere with the natural selection genetic process and alter the future evolutionary path in animals. It can result in adverse developmental, reproductive, neurological, and genetic mutations in both humans and wildlife.  A wide range of objects, both natural and man-made, are thought to cause evolution disruption, including the selfie stick.

Can you think of another examples?

Introducing Cosmic Caboodle

By Science, Space and Aliens, Website announcements

Have you ever wanted to own your very own bit of outer space?

Perhaps a handful of gravel from Mars or a chunk of moon rock, or maybe you’re thinking a bit bigger… how about a planet, star or black hole?

website official launch click to view

Now you can own your very own piece of the universe

Come and visit as we are celebrating the official launch with a new product we call The Sizzler. Can you guess what it is? Check it out here.

In case you are wondering where this fits in with my regular postings, it was inspired by my soon to be released book How to make an Alien which involves outer space.   I set up this site to engage with lovers of outer space (and aliens 🙂 ).  I thought it would be a great way of continuing with the fun in the book.

Check out Cosmic Caboodle and leave a message to let me know what you think. Better still, subscribe too.

Where it all started

By That's life

Selfie stick caveman styleAh, the selfie stick. Will it define our generation in years to come?

Not all are on board with the selfie stick. London music venue halls in Wembley are banning the selfie stick as it is considered a safety hazard to others surrounding the stick user, especially in crowded halls. Disruption to people’s view of the performances was another reason cited for the banning of the stick.

So what do you think?

Do you own one (but are too shy to admit it – fear not – you can come out here in a safe environment called the internet) or

Do you own one and brandish it everywhere you go with great pride and gusto?

PS. If you leave a comment below, I might just quietly share with you whether or not I own one.


DIY dinner

By Animals

DIY dinner

One of the 10 golden rules of cartooning is to make cartoons that don’t need explaining. Well, with good intent I assumed spanner crabs were common across the globe, but I discovered that they are predominantly found in the warmer parts of Australia.

I’m not sure why they call it the spanner crab, as it’s claws aren’t very spanner like. It lives in shallow sandy sea waters and hides itself under the sand. With only its eyes and mouth popping above the sand, it patiently waits for any small fish to unsuspectingly pass by.

Anyway, back to those golden rules. I’m assuming there are 10, but haven’t tried to create a list. Any ideas for 2 – 10?