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Free promotional book offer

By Freebies

Download Doug the Dung Beetle – The long roll home for FREE!

As part of a promotion for the release of my next kid’s picture book, I want to spread the word of Doug.  So please, if you’ve ever had a twitch to look at my book, but didn’t, here is your opportunity to do so for absolutely free.  And as a favour to me, spread the word of Doug with your friends by sharing this post.  Give them the gift of humour and dung, all in the one neat little package!

But offers like this don’t last forever.  So go on, click here to visit NoiseTrade for your free copy (suitable for your Kindle, iPad and more).

Go on, make my day – download and share today!

NoiseTrade Book Promotion

So still here? Wondering if there’s a catch? Sorry, no catch. I don’t even expect a ‘tip’, but NoiseTrade forces you to select a tip amount (that’s how they make their money). In fairness, they make it clear that you are not obliged to tip. I’m just keen to build up my book reader audience by getting the book out there.  And if you like my book and want to be notified about future book releases, you have a chance to subscribe to my ‘new book release’ email (along with all the specials that come with that). But as with the tips, that too is optional. So go on, download now.

The needle in the haystack

By Dung Beetles

Doug the dung beetle's first book

I’m very excited to be releasing my first children’s picture book starring Doug the Dung Beetle – The Long Roll Home.

It’s now available in Apple’s iBookstore (or iTunes) for your iPad (also coming out soon as hardback on Amazon).

But that’s enough of a plug, as now I have a favour to ask you and as you know I don’t ask for many favours.

Please check out the book if you have an iPad. I admit that dung mightn’t be your cup of tea (and if not, then why not by now?). So don’t feel obliged to buy, but please tell a friend, who might be interested in a bit of toilet humour.

Yep, this is my flashy marketing campaign – word of mouth – and it all starts with you!

Hopefully it will not end in Chinese whispers with a result of ‘Mug the Coffee Cup – the long cold drink’. Here’s to becoming a big, shiny pitchfork in the haystack!