Competition #1: Create a cartoon caption for the Bill and Ben (the little green alien men) cartoon
Winner announcement:
Congratulations Bonita. Click here to see the winning caption cartoon.
Special mention to the runners up (all in no particular order):
- Whose dog was that? (Harold)
- Marooned on a strange planet, there was nothing for Bill and Ben to do but lie patiently and await the long, slow transformation into oil. (Troy)
- Owing to shortfalls in intergalactic lexicography Bill and Ben learned the hard way that ‘sand flies’ is both a verb and a noun. (Hugh)
- I spy with my little eye, something beginning with…S (Simon)
- I do wish Agent K hadn’t pressed that mind eraser thingy just after the kids buried us! (Jonathan)
- Taking Extreme Measures to Avoid the Australian Sun (Mark from
- This teleporter sucks. (Colin)
- Bill: Do you think anyone will confuse us for hermit crabs? Ben: I don’t know, but I do know we are saving a lot of money on sunscreen! (GD from
- Is the tide in or out? (Richard)
- …Um…are you sure they said they were coming back? (Bob T Panda from
…And all the other submissions (all in no particular order):
- All this sand will be a blast you said- very funny! (Hugh)
- Ben… I told you to bring the Sunscreen…..(Mark)
- Bill and Ben couldn’t decide on a costume for the Sci-Fi convention….Alien or Dune? (Troy)
- Bill and Ben found leaving footprints in the sands of time more of a problem than they had anticipated (Hugh)
- Bill and Ben had worked so energetically they had come to a sandstill (Hugh)
- Bill and Ben set off to explore the littoral zone, but ended up randomly foraging beneath. (Troy)
- Bill and Ben suspected there was a missing ingredient for their sandcastle but couldn’t work out what it was (Hugh)
- Bill and Ben took cover, in case the sea weed. (Troy)
- Bloody Kids… and their (Mark)
- Did you bring any sun tan lotion? (Richard)
- Due to a misprint in the intergalactic lonely planet guide, Bill and Ben thought it was important to undersand local customs. (Troy)
- For some, burying yourself head to toe in sand is an alien concept. (Troy)
- Hey Ben, are your feet itchy too? (Jonathan)
- Hey Bill, what did that kid mean when he said he was going to get a stick to poke it in the hole! (Jonathan)
- Hey Bill, what did that lady mean by “You’ll get sand up your crack!” (Jonathan)
- I don’t think anyone can see us (Harold)
- I should never have listened to you, Ben. This feels wrong! (Richard)
- I think we might be in a bit of a rut (Harold)
- I’m having second thoughts about this. (Richard)
- If only the tide would come in and wash off this Factor 30 Sandscreen (Mark)
- Like many travellers in a foreign land Bill and Ben returned home with an unwanted STI; on this occasion a bad case of crabs. (Troy)
- Mork and Mindy took their bottle recycling responsibilities very much to heart (Hugh)
- Next time I ask that teleporter for sun, sea and sand, I’m going to be a little bit more specific…(Simon)
- Next time you decide to bury that Great Dane’s bone, make sure we are not standing behind him. (Simon)
- OK, that’s it, next time I’m landing the space craft! (Simon)
- One more comment about Uranus being full of sand and this holiday is OVER! (Troy)
- Right, now how long do you think it takes to get a suntan? (Simon)
- So, Ben tell me how you got this deal again? Well, the Ritz was 300 dollars, the Hilton was 270 dollars, and the nice man at the kiosk said we could sleep on the beach for 50 dollars. (Simon)
- Somehow I don’t think this is a good place to prosper! (Richard)
- The Vogon invasion fleet’s crack tunnelers were stumped by 90 mile beach(Hugh)
- Those alien girls are all the same….can you put suncream on my back… bla bla bla… can you stop those kids shouting, I’m trying to read … bla bla bla … can we burry you, go on it’ll be fun, pleeeasse … bla, bla, bla… How long ago was it that they said they had gone to get us those carry out latte’s? (Simon)
- When’s high tide? (Harold)
Competition #1: Create a cartoon caption for the Bill and Ben (the little green alien men) cartoon below
Prize: Printed copy of the cartoon, hand signed, with your winning caption.
Close date: 20 February 2012 17:00hrs (UCT +11hrs). Winner will be announced on the website on 29 February 2012.
- You can enter as many times as you want (wow that’s cool, tell me more)
- No submissions after the close date will be accepted (better get cracking then)
- You must be a subscriber to the site to enter (yes, there’s always a catch, but you can always unsubscribe once you’ve won! and subscribing is FREE)
- In the event you are the lucky winner, I will initially notify you offline by email (that’s why you need to subscribe, so I have your email). If you want the prize sent out to you, you’ll have to provide me with a postal address. If you have a blog or business website you wish me to refer to in the winning announcement, you can then also provide me with the link details.
- Don’t panic if you submit a joke and you don’t see it appear on this page. I will be collating them in the background and publish all suitable (see #6) jokes when the winner is announced. After all, you don’t want someone to steal your idea, finesse it and then win instead of you. To get a feel for your chances, I will be regularly updating the number of submissions received below.
- The joke needs to be classified G / PG. Although I might have fun reading X, I won’t be publishing them.
- Judges decision will be final. In the event of a tie break, don’t worry, we have 3 judges. This panel consists of Marti, Bill and Ben the little green alien men.