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Forgive me Dr Seuss

By Pot Luck

Dr SeussIf you like this cartoon, click the like button. If you dislike, visit my daughter’s website and leave a comment there expressing any concerns you may have. Why? Because my daughter came up with this one. She’s always playing with words and improving upon existing literature.

Help! It’s a floater

By Dung Beetles

Doug the dung beetle discovers the floater

Did you know?

The perfect stool is a floater and not a sinker.

Whether a stool floats or sinks depends on the individual’s diet and the telling sign of a healthy stool is one made from consuming a lot of fibre and water.  These poops will float.

Not more toilet humour!

By Dung Beetles

Doug dung beetle tried convincing junior to eat his pooA relative of mine unwittingly handed this one to me on a silver platter when in casual conversation they referred to some purée,but pronouncing it as poo-rée. I’ll protect the innocent, and they shall remain nameless.