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Office cubicle freedom

By Freebies

Thinking outside there work cubicle

Yes, it’s another fabulous DIY freebie

Inspired by a cartoon from earlier this year,Think outside the box

this simple template will allow you to add a splash of fun to your work station. Download it here and get cracking and once you’ve finished it, visit our Freebie page to download some more DIY fun.


Musical chairs

By That's life, Work

Office musical chair dance

Funny, how the past comes back in later life.

For me as a child, musical chairs was one of my all time favourite party games. That, as well as pin the tail on the poor donkey and eating cake (that’s food, does that count?)

So what was your favourite party game and why?


Business hierarchy

By Animals, Word play

Office hierarchy

I’d like to take full credit for this cartoon, but it was my nephew who came up with the gag. He politely indicated that cartooning was easy and proceeded to explain this gag in great detail. When I suggested he got on with it and share it, he faulted… ‘I can’t draw!’ Well, really, that’s no excuse. I’m still learning to draw too!

So Merry Christmas to you Ben… I took the liberty!

Peak hour traffic

By That's life

Cloud servers pictogram

When the cloud terminology initially made its presence known, I must admit I was a bit confused. I mean, clouds are up in the sky; so what’s with gravity constrained servers hanging up there too? But as time has past, I’m now clearer than ever before. In fact, I put this little cloud pictogram together to help those of you still in the dark.

What do you think?

My workplace

By That's life, Work

Think outside the boxThink outside the cubicle…

Obviously that’s what my workplace was thinking when they recently reconfigured our office floor space… not that I’m complaining. I mean, in this case I’ve moved from office to jungle…

My open plan office

And before I forget, a big shout out to Seeker, long time blogging friend. It was a post she made a few weeks back that planted the cubicle seed.

So, back to the cubicle…What makes your cubicle special?

My cubicle is below…special, huh?

Office workstation

The office cuckoo

By Work

Frank and the office cuckoo

Two cuckoo facts that you mightn’t know

  • Not all cuckoos are brood parasites (organism that relies on others to raise their offspring), the majority of cuckoos actually raise their young themselves
  • The roadrunner, one of my favourite cartoons, is a fast running ground cuckoo


Image credit: Wikicommons

Thinking inside the box

By Work

Frank and thinking box1

Thinking outside the box, made me wonder what other ‘outside the box’ inventions were out there. Google patents didn’t let me down and thought this box invention hit the mark.


us22185I initially thought this delightful 1879 Fire escape patent US221885 involved a box, but alas I was wrong – it was  parachute. In the words of designer, Benjamin Oppenheimer,

‘The accompanying drawing represents a side view of a person with my improved fireescape, shown as applied for-use. This invention relates to an improved fireescape or safety device, by which a person may safely jump out of the window of a burning building from any height, and land, withont injury and without the least damage, on the ground; audit consists of a parachute attached, in suitable manner, to the upper part of the body, in combination with overshoes having elastic bottom pads of suitable thickness to take up the concussion with the ground.’

So, maybe the corporate box isn’t such a bad invention after all.

Which one would you give a go?


The work bar graph

By Work


Does your desk look like a bar graph?

Maybe it’s logarithmic or exponential. What about those pie charts and bubble graphs; where do they fit into this equation?