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Today’s grammar lesson – past and present

By Pot Luck

Sorry, more can cartoons


Hopefully Andy Warhol is not rolling over in his grave over this one.

Here are some not so well known facts about this amazing artist:

  • His very first movie was aptly named ‘Sleep’. It filmed his friend sleeping for a whopping 6 hours.  Nine people attended the opening night and within the first hour two left… and then there where seven (who amazingly stayed right up to the end).
  • Andy nearly died when he was shot in the chest by Valerie Solanis. Valerie was a founder of club called SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) and as a staunch feminist saw it her duty to rid the world of people like Andy, who she considered to be abusive and controlling.  As a side point, it is relieving to note that she was the only member of the club.
  • The high school art club excluded Andy from becoming a member, as he was considered better than the other members.